Day 40: Man Does Not Live by Bread Alone (Part 3)

David recounts that Jesus was led into the wilderness so he could experience all that would ever tempt you. Now, Christ is our substitute. He becomes our sacrifice and obedience. Christ has destroyed the lure of that temptation that tries to afflict you. We can go to our Savior, our advocate and High Priest to the Father, and claim that the same victory Jesus had in the wilderness over the enemy is the same victory we can receive in the midst of our temptation.

David continues to explore the plight of Israel in the desert and their distaste for manna in Numbers 11:4-6. Here we see that the daily bread of the Word is no longer their desire, but the desire of the world become more alluring. We can learn so much from this in how we posture our heart towards the world and the Word. God wants to teach us that the Word is always enough even in the waiting, wondering, and wandering.

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