Category: Voice of Today

Day 50: Psalm 37:23

There is nothing more wonderful and powerful than the Lord of all creation. The same God who positioned the stars, planets, and galaxies desires to be in charge and orchestrate every your life. This God of the cosmos is concerned about every detail of your life, your comings and goings, when you sit and lie…
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Day 51: Psalm 25:12-15

The fear of the Lord leads to stunning guidance from the Lord. David reveals a beautiful promise in Psalm 25:12-15 while emphasizing the importance of fearing the Lord. This promise holds remarkable blessing for not only you but your descendants. Dive deep in His Word and begin to explore how reverencing the Lord can bring the beauty…
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Day 52: Psalm 25:14-15, Colossians 1:26-27

The promises in the old covenant have been made “yes and amen” in Christ. The secrets shared in Psalm 25:14 are the same secrets Paul shares in Colossians 1:26-27. We have possessed the mysteries of Christ because He lives in us and gives us a hope of glory. This promise in Psalm 25:14-15 is our inheritance because of Christ. Listen…
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Day 53: Psalm 119:105

Psalm 119:105 explores the beauty of Christ’s light and peace provided in His word and Spirit. His Word is a lamp unto our feet and the lamp or light is Christ. Christ illuminates our darkness and brings forth His peace in any situation we find ourselves in today. Soak and meditate on Luke 1:78-79 and…
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Day 54: Philippians 2:12-13

The ability to do the will of God is embedded in us through Christ. Christ wills and does in us. We begin to align with Christ as we allow Him to produce in us His pleasures. The Greek word ἐνεργέω or “energeō” is where we get the word energy. It is not our energy that…
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Day 55 VOT: Hebrews 13:20-21

David shares a beautiful promise at the end of Hebrews that confirms that the “will” of God will be completed or perfected through you. Rigorous obedience that applauds the believer but cheapens the promise is never God’s will for our lives. He wants to give us whatever we ask and desire in our heart. The…
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Day 56: Hebrews 13:20-21

David continues to discuss the promise in Hebrews 13:20-21 by looking at “work” and “working” and how extended study of these two words in the Greek reveal an applicable truth to our everyday lives.

Day 57: Ephesians 2:8-10

Ephesians 2:8-10 is the crux of the entire canon of scripture. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works…” We are not saved to the uttermost and find salvation in every area of our life by our works but through…
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Day 58: Ephesians 2:8-10

Often we can feel isolated or less spiritual if our calling is not overt ministry or similar to what callings are described in the Bible, yet God is in everything we do. He wants to use it all for His glory and honor. Everything you do is worship to God because He created you and…
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Day 59: Romans 15:13

The word “hope” is a significant aspect of this promise in Romans 15:13. David breaks down the expansive meaning in both the Greek and in English that help to expound on the extent of this promise to you and me, both Jew and Gentile.