Category: Voice of Today

Day 10: The Resurrection Faith of Christ

David continues to expound on Hebrews 11:17-19 by discussing that the same faith Christ had for resurrection from the dead was imputed or credited to Abraham when he was on Mount Moriah ready to sacrifice Isaac. Hebrews defines Abraham as “fully persuaded” that he would receive Isaac. this faith is produced in us by the…
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Day 11: Where is the Lamb?

David begins to explore the phrase “where is the lamb?” as he uncovers a revelatory truth found in Genesis 22:1-7. Jesus is the one and only sacrifice that covers all sacrifices. Jesus has sacrificed all. Therefore, we do not have to repeat sacrifices to prove our obedience. We receive the sacrifice of Jesus and claim…
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Day 12: “If it be thy will…”

By comparing and contrasting the written word in Luke 22:41-44 and John 15:7-8, David contends that our prayers should not use the language “not my will but thine”. This language deauthorizes our prayers and nullifies faith. By using the Word to interpret the Word, the truth that we can pray anything in His name is…
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Day 13: Jesus Gives Us the Power to do His Will

David reveals the substitutionary work of Jesus that began when Jesus shed His blood in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus’ agony to do the will of the Father is no longer fraught with agony, warfare, and anguish. Because of His blood being shed, we are able to pray in the perfect will of the Father…
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Day 14: Abiding in Christ

David continues to expound on the beautiful revelation of what it means to “abide” in Christ. He compares two passages written by John the Beloved in John 15:7 and 1 John 4:12-16. We discover through a deeper reading that the simple act of believing that Jesus is the Son of God invites us into an…
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Day 15: Bear Much Fruit

David begins to give a closer look to the “fruit” mentioned in John 15:1-8 and what how it relates to John 15:17. One could make the inference that the fruit is good deeds, fruits of the Spirit or even tangible blessings, but with a closer look at the chapter, you begin to see the intended…
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Day 16: Deny Yourself

David claims that no one can “deny” themselves to please God or attain a certain life of godliness. He confirms the new covenant promise that we can trust in the cross of Christ to bring forth the life of Christ. Christ was not asking us to deny ourselves of who He made us to be…
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Day 17: Take Up Your Cross

To take up our cross means to take up the cross of Jesus where He crucified the flesh in us. What we are to deny ourselves is the old man that has been destroyed by the precious cross of Christ. Declaring that the old man has been destroyed by the cross begins to create in…
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Day 18: Timing of the Lord

There is a season and timeliness to all God is producing in and through us. Yet, often this phrase is used to explain why things have not occurred or why our prayers have not been answered. David begins to tackle this subject by highlighting Mark 4:26-29. We can have the knowledge of what our seed…
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Day 19: Timing of the Lord (Cont.)

Abraham was told that there would become a day, a “set time” when he would receive the promise through Sarah. He knew a specific time that was told to him by the Angel of the Lord, and that produced a specific expectation of when the promise would be brought to fruition. This can be the…
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