Category: Voice of Today

Voice of Today Daily Devotional

Hebrews 3:15 says “Today, if you hear His voice…” to remind us that we can always receive a fresh, new word from God each day. Share with us your email and we will deposit fresh revelation and insight into your inbox.

Day 1: The Word of God is a Person

Discover the rich revelation of the the Word of God being a person and not just text on a page. The “morning star” is a person. By comparing and contrasting, 2 Peter 1:19 with Revelation 22:16, David uncovers a beautiful truth about our Savior, Jesus.

Day 2: Spirit of Christ

David continues to explore 2 Peter 1:19-21 and how the Morning Star “Christ” arises in our darkest places to give us a new dawn. Learn more about how relevant, intentional, and powerful this passage can be in your own situation. There is no darkness that the “Spirit of Christ” cannot light with power and victory.

Day 3: Jesus Makes the Promise Sure

Isaiah 40:4-5 in the New King James Versions says this: Every valley shall be exalted. And every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight. And the rough places smooth; The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it together; For the mouth of the Lord…
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Day 4: The Gift of Righteousness by Faith

Genesis 15:4-6 and Romans 4:1-4 describe Abraham’s “faith was accredited to Him as righteousness”. This is a beautiful revelation that God counts our faith as our obedience. It is the grace that comes by faith. This grace is an empowerment or endowment to obey by faith in Christ. The new covenant is not obedience to…
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Day 5: The Word is Active & Powerful

David shares that the phrase “give an account” in the Greek is translated to “of whom we speak” in Hebrews 413. This dispels the notion that we are to be responsible for bringing an account of our behavior and actions to God. The Word of God is alive and powerful. When we speak His promises,…
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Day 6: Dividing Soul & Spirit

David continues to analyze the practical and relevant meaning of how Hebrews 4:13 operates in our mind’s by separating us from doubt. The Lord searches our minds for doubt and begins to detach that from our thinking. There is no aspect of our mind’s that is unknown to God. It begins to search and rescue…
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Day 7: Will of God

David explores how we can view the phrase the “will of God”. We always desire to do what God desires and want to honor Him, yet we are often drawn away by our own lusts and unhealthy desires when we pray. By analyzing key texts in 1 Peter 1:2-4 and James 4:2-3, David explains how…
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Day 8: The Promise Will Speak the Will of God

David continues to explain how praying the promise produces prayers that align with God’s will. Be sure to check out Day 7 if you haven’t already done so to explore key scriptures in 2 Peter 1:2-4 and James 4:2-3.

Day 9: Laying it on the Altar

David discusses the misconception that because God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac on the altar that we should do the same and lay our “idols” on the altar. David highlights Hebrews 11:17-19 where it confirms that Abraham sacrificed Isaac “by faith” with full expectation that Isaac would be “raised from the dead”.